Connectivity and Mobility

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Permanent internet connection

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Permanent internet connection

Permanent internet connection

All hybrid units allow an internet circuit board to be connected to the ICB controller for internet connection. The built-in circuit board, allows for a permanent internet connection to each max.e from any location in the world. This option helps you/us react to situations that require fast and accurate solutions to the problem.

Opportunities provided by WEB communicator

Possibility for remote start-up and 72 hours trial period
Possibility for remote start-up and 72 hours trial period

The air-handling unit can be started and adjusted via the Internet, it would be monitored until it reaches and maintains the set parameters.

Software updates
Software updates

Updates are possible for the controller’s software, if the customer requires additional settings or parameters adjustment. These additional settings and updates would be managed/performed over the Internet.

Archive (history) of working and service parameters
Archive (history) of working and service parameters

This option would create History logs/archives containing data about the operation of the AHU, using the Supervisory Control аnd Data Acquisition (SCADA).

Monitoring of the variables, working parameters
Monitoring of the variables, working parameters

Monitoring the status of all variables accessible to the client and the unit's display.

Diagnosis of problems, arising during the operation of the air-handling unit
Diagnosis of problems, arising during the operation of the air-handling unit

By analysing the information and data from the history menu, the source of the issue or the reason which triggered can be found. The problem is fixed via the Internet when physical access to the AHU is not needed

Functional diagram

Take a detailed look how the device is connecting all of the components. It is fascinating how such a small technology can have such a big impact on the performance and the maintenance of the complete system.

See the image

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