These large, grade II listed Victorian pumping stations were sold by Thames Water in 2012 and the new owner, Andrew Black, intends to repair the exteriors, improve the surroundings and create new interiors to a very high standard creating office and research laboratory space. Andrew Black passionately believes the site will greatly benefit the small, start-up biotechnology businesses in which he is interested. These small businesses are involved in ground-breaking research work, looking at areas like DNA and RNA based molecular solutions to cancers and other diseases. (
Morelands & Riverdale Buildings, Lower Sunbury Road
, United Kingdom
Damvent delivered 3 hybrid AHU for the refurbishment of Science center “Morelands & Riverdale”, based in London, United Kingdom.
See GalleryUsed products
1 x max.e3-09
Total treated airflow - 8 000 m3/h
1 x max.e3-09
Total treated airflow - 4 600 m3/h
1 x max.e3-H-02
Total treated airflow - 1 400 m3/h
Damvent delivered 3 hybrid AHU for the refurbishment of Science center “Morelands & Riverdale”, based in London, United Kingdom.
The Air Handling Unit are equipped with internet communication circuit board for remote access and BMS communication card. One of the hybrid AHU is Hygienic one - max.e3-H-02.
One piece Air Handling Unit - max.e3-06.
One piece Air Handling Unit - max.e3-09.
Total heating power of the Air Handling Units –215 kW.
Total cooling power of the Air Handling Units – 100 kW.