Okio clinic
Herent city, Belgium
Together with Damvent Benelux we delivered and commissioned the first ever Damvent hybrid solution, a max.e3-04-DH(up to 4000m3/h), custom made (AHU with heat recovery wheel & heat pump) in Belgium.
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1 x max.e3-04-DH
Total treated airflow - 3 500 m3/h
We are very proud to announce that together with Damvent Benelux we delivered and commissioned the first ever Damvent hybrid solution, a max.e3-04-DH(up to 4000m3/h), custom made (AHU with heat recovery wheel & heat pump) in Belgium.
The economizer was custom made according to the specific requirements for the operating theater of a newly built ophthalmology clinic OKIO in the city of Herent, Belgium.
OKIO is an ophthalmology clinic that will open in August and will bring under one roof the practices of 7experienced ophthalmologists from Starrebeek, Herent and Leuven. Every physician in the clinic is specialized in a particular ophthalmologic sub discipline, thus the clinic offers un all around medical service, namely general clinical ophthalmology, pediatric ophthalmology, cataract surgery, eye plastic and aesthetic surgery, refractive surgery, medical retina and low vision.
The management of the clinic entrusted the cooling, heating, humidity control and the fresh air in the operating theater of the clinic to Damvent’s max.e3-04-DH. Another requirement for the AHU is to maintain the room temperature (t C) and the Relative Humidity (RH %) in narrow limits, namely troom=18÷20C and RH=50÷60%. The treated fresh air is being supplied to the operating theatre through a laminar ceiling for a better and even distribution, in order to provide the most comfortable ambiance for the surgeons.
Another important requirement is that the supplied air must always be 100% fresh.
Generally, the combination of the above requirements is not an easy task and takes a lot of engineering understanding and knowhow. What we did was to take a standard max.e3 04 and make a few tweaks here and there to make it work the way the client wants it. There were a lot of Add-Ons to the standard unit, that made it completely OEM and unique.
The team of Damvent would like to thank the management of OKIO clinic and Peter Rekkers, the General Manager of Damvent Benelux for the trust, the excellent work and the support for this project.
This is only the beginning for Damvent in Belgium.
The Air Handling Unit is equipped with internet communication circuit board for remote access and BMS communication card.